Thursday, September 29, 2011

2011 Charity Fundraiser

As was revealed yesterday, Sacred Selections is hosting a fundraising event on Friday October 14th at 6:30PM in Lexington.  We are now excited to announce the great location for our event!  Start making your plans to enjoy a fantastic night at the Ballroom of the Hilton at Lexington Green

This will truly be a special evening, with a dinner catered by the Hilton, a silent auction full of fun items, and of course an opportunity to learn more about Sacred Selections and become a part of this amazing work.  The proceeds from this event will create an adoption grant that helps bring two beautiful children into their "forever family."

Please continue to check this blog over the coming days.  You will find out more about the children we are privileged to help.  Auction items will be announced.  And very soon we will have information about how to purchase your tickets for this event!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sacred Selections is in Lexington KY!


Christians in the Lexington area are coming together to support this great work very soon! Sacred Selections is an amazing non-profit charity created by David and Dana Carrozza, who are members of the church of Christ.  The organization raises money from individual Christians, and gives it to other Christian couples who need financial assistance with the dream of adoption.  Explaining how Sacred Selections was founded, Dana says,

"After years of hearing young families lament that they could not afford an adoption and at the same time people wanting to know how they could help the adoptive families…. It occurred to us….

Why not start a foundation?

A foundation that would be totally separate from the Church.

A foundation that would be a certified non-profit tax free foundation.

A foundation whose oversight (Board) would be by members of the Lord’s Church.

A foundation that would Finance the adoptions for members of the Church.

A foundation that people could give their monies to confident that it would  go to place children in the homes of members of The Church of Christ.


So, get ready Lexington!  Your opportunity to help with this great work will be here soon!

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. James 1:27